Kingston Foreshore Restoration

The Leschenault Catchment Council have implemented the Foreshore Management Plan on the Brunswick River foreshore in Kingston, on behalf of the Lester Group, since 2017.

The Project area falls within the proposed Leschenault Regional Park, and our plan for the Kingston Foreshore will contribute to the broader outcomes for the Regional Park by improving the water quality of the Brunswick River and retaining its native fringing vegetation; enhancement of the conservation, recreation and landscape values of the park; biosecurity (weed and pest management); rehabilitation; and community engagement and education. 

Preparation of revegetation sites will involve ongoing weed management, as well as a combination of site preparation techniques such as ripping/mounding, rotary hoeing or individual drilling with a hand auger. Community volunteers are encouraged to lend a hand to help manage the site, and the Leschenault Catchment Council (LCC) runs events throughout the year such as hand-pulling weeds, planting and rubbish pick ups. This assistance complements the management of problematic weeds across the site undertaken by a contract pest control operator. Revegetation will be focused along the riverbank, with the aim of establishing native vegetation in areas where it is not currently present.

Reinstating native vegetation back along the riverbank will help to decrease erosion, stabilise the river bank, improve the health of the river, and provide vital habitat for animals and plants that rely on the river for food and shelter.

The LCC will engage the Kingston community with the aim to establish some community input and ownership of the project. There will be opportunities for interested individuals to be involved with weed management and planting activities. The LCC will support interested individuals to form a community “Friends of” group and can provide mentoring and technical assistance, thus creating a project which builds the capacity of Kingston residents and creates a connection with their local environment.

If you would like more information about this project, or would like to become involved, please contact us.
